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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 17 January 2015

I'm Guessing There WILL Be Tears.....

'Big Bang' will say farewell to Mrs. Wolowitz

BURBANK, Calif.--Carol Ann Susi's death last November left a hole in The Big Bang Theory, even though viewers had never seen her.

The actress, 62, provided the raspy voice of Howard Wolowitz's nagging mother, and her absence will be addressed in an episode airing Jan. 29.

"We shot an episode last week that deals with the loss of Carol Ann," executive producer Chuck Lorre said in an interview, declining to specify exactly how. "It took us a couple of months to deal with that; we didn't know how to at first," he says. But executive producer Steven Molaro is "in charge of a beautiful script that takes account of the loss of Carol. We thought we handled it in a delicate and respectful way. We lost somebody in our family; it's not something you anticipate happening."

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