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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cinebook The 9th Art: IR$ 6: The Black Gold War

IR$ - The Black Gold War

Authors: Vrancken & Desberg & colourist Coquelicot
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2015
ISBN: 9781849182362
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Larry B. Max is an unusual specialist from a little-known branch of the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), the all-powerful tax-collecting agency of the United States, with every technological method at his disposal to link high finance and high crime.

Is the world barrelling towards the apocalypse? Russian commandoes are positioned around Georgia and its vital pipelines, fanatical terrorists are bent on eliminating Saudi Arabia’s reigning family... With oil barons indifferent to the potential damage their stock market manipulations could cause, only one man stands against a scheme of utter cynicism: Larry B. Max. This time, the IRS agent intends to stop his sworn enemy Madsen for good – and rescue the woman he’s loved for so long, Kate.

I remember all those years ago as a young man (I was being slightly sarcastic there) being told Cinebook was publishing a series centred on a man from the IRS -US Internal Revenue Service.  I think I snickered to myself with the thought "Oh. Right. That should be 'interesting!'"

So who looked like an ass?

And what can I write that I have not written before?  Gripping. Action. Just a very good read and not a sign of a tax bill anywhere.  An excellent series -but then, this is Cinebook!

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