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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 2 February 2015

"How Do I Break Into Comics?" Verbal Abuse Often Offends.

By chance, the other day, I visited my old Face Book page.  I also found a message from a Small Press event.  That led on to other things.  Things that highlight what a mess UK comics are in.  I am writing "UK" as this all refers to the UK and I'm not going to refer to other countries.

Firstly, the Small Press (SP) event.  I would be happy to publicise the event -how much are tables?  Well, yes, it's in April.  Okay -table costs?  "We discussed this and we could not offer you a table as your books are too professional to fit into an SP event."  I politely pointed out I had SP books.  No response.  So I asked again about getting a table. Nothing so after two days of continued silence no, I will NOT publicise their event.

I then checked the FB page linked to the event and I counted TEN (10) SP publishers bemoaning the fact that NO ONE will review or publicise their books.  I pointed out that CBO does and all they need to is check out the site and if they want to send a review book then okay.  Silence....apart from Mr Arschloch: "Oh, and why should I use your site -I'm going to make big sales am I?"  Whoa, kind of angry. I replied politely.  Silence.   THAT is why no one reviews their books.

Then I find out that a publisher (paying) was looking for someone to write short scripts.  Apparently a lot of my FB 'friends' -who I've helped over the years- had been asking their pals and mates but come up with no one.  Job offer now gone.  WHY did no one ask me?  "Do you write scripts?"  My response before "un-friending" was "Yes, you *****.  I was the person who wrote the scripts and put you forward for the art and set you up in comics!"

There are no true friends in comics just "fair weather" ones.  This "Do you write scripts" and "Do you draw comics?" are two lines I get over and over from people I helped get into the industry and who I wrote for and even pencilled for.  A lot of creators in comics are self obsessed with huge egos and many I assume do not even acknowledge their parents.

I think my friend in Finland, Pekka A. Manninen put it best.  When asked about careers in comics or earning a living from it his response was "Survive day one first".  Oh yeah, poseurs everywhere.

Just do not get into comics for a living.  For fun yes but never ever ask me for advice on how to break into comics and earn a steady living.  Verbal abuse often offends.

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