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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 March 2015

In His Cups - Collected Tales from Gimbley

Phil Elliott
Black & white
A5 (Digest)184 Page
Price: £7.95
In His Cups is a complete collection of Phil Elliott’s comic strip, Tales from Gimbley featuring the eponymous everyman, Dave Gimbley. Gimbley recounts tales from his youth including his one-night stand with the Mona Lisa; a fight to the death with a sumo wrestler; deconstructing a de stijl chair; being an integral member of a Performance Art piece; meeting the Holy Man and many other surreal, humorous and often poignant adventures. 
 Eek.  I told someone that I reviewed this book back around Christmas.  I did.  It was quite a longish review.  Person gets back to me:"I can't find it -are you sure?"  Well, of course I was sure because I had to make a couple corrections and post the link to my Yahoo groups....I've searched.  It is gone.  As are a couple other reviews.  I love Blogger at times!
 Elliott, of course, drew the excellent Second City for Harrier Comics back in the 1980s.
I cannot remember what I wrote, of course, I'm lucky if I remember to change my pants.  This book collects over 30 years worth of strip-work and it's interesting to see the change in styles and mediums Elliott used.  

Believe me, you want to try to track down and buy the publications featuring the strip -give up.  Go look for the Golden Fleece.  That or buy this book which is easier and will give you a fun read!

Support Independent talent.

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