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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 7 May 2015

Because YOU Might Not Have Demanded It!

I finished the German section of The Green Skies yesterday and decided to have a look at the number of (unlettered/un-final edited) pages I have drawn in the last two weeks. Thirty-five (35).

The thing is that I thought: "Feck it -I'm going to have fun!" -which does not mean that it is any easier to draw but rather than sticking toa rigid "I MUST finish this section" and "I need to complete that section!" I just sat back and went with the flow.

I've not even done the outer space stuff yet so I think the idea of 6th June being a deadline is a joke.

Seriously, at this moment I think the idea of 400+ pages may be optimistic.  It could well be nearer to 480-500.  I know, I know -just how many pages does it take?  Well, it has to be remembered that everyone and anyone in the Black Tower Universe (there, I wrote "universe"!) is affected by what happens so little character cameos, minor characters and covering every continent (if not every country) are getting a look in.

Remember how all those Golden Age comic book characters just disappeared along with the companies?  With a company like, say, Archie, they had the old heroes return in the 1960s after they had all been retired or in some kind of limbo.  New characters such as The Fly, Fly Girl and The Jaguar had popped up to replace them. 

Well, this is all change for Black Tower. but in twenty years (IF I was even alive then!) you are not going to see these virile young heroes return.

In the Black Tower Universe, as I have made very clear in the past, being a hero carries risks.  One of those risks is death.  In my comics if you die you die and you are not coming back in a reboot!  There is also the fact that, with a couple exceptions, the characters age.  Most are now getting well past the point where they ought to give up fighting and retire.  Those that live -if anyone lives- will retire.

In the past few years younger characters have been brought in -Kevin Nolan and his Helmet of Power for instance. If -if- there was anything after The Green Skies those would be the new Black Tower heroes -though never ever say "Never!" to the odd cameo.

So I want this book to be one that has story, character, action and more.  This will not be a trade nor a graphic novel but a Black Tower tome.

Now, I need to cut the grass, take my meds and work!


  1. Looking forward to it. Enjoy the grass.

  2. Well, as a lot of the German stuff has been hanging around since 1984, a lot of German characters appear that have not been seen before. Based on current sales they never will be!
