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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Cinebook The 9th Art: SAM 2 - Robot Hunters

Authors: Richard Marazano & Shang
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: March 2015

ISBN: 9781849182461
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

A year has passed for the community of survivors. Ian and his team are still making dangerous forays to the ravaged surface in search of food and medicine, forced to go ever further each time. But one day, just as they’re about to be killed by one of the exterminator robots that constantly patrol the city, they’re saved by an old acquaintance not even Ian still hoped to see again: SAM, the strange robot that seems to want to protect the boy…

The art is detailed and the story is okay but even with the action picking up I have to write that it is leaving me cold.  I'm not sure whether it's the Manga style or not -the eyes are not that big, which I usually find a turn off.  I read volume 1 and volume 2 together but still. Nothing.

But that is me. I know that there are many out there who don't care what some cantankerous old fart in his fifties thinks (yes, I know, I look much younger) -they'll love this.  A boy and his robot.  A weaponised robot.

I'm hoping that the third volume in this series -"A Million Winters" -  gets me hooked more but, despite the lovely Nothing.  My first "bad" Cinebook experience -while admitting that I do know this type of genre will be popular.  But if I said every Cinebook was superbly, fantastically, incredibly great I'd be just a PR mouth piece.

Try this series as no doubt I'm in the negative minority.

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