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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Now Read This: Captain America 3: The Future of Crossbones, Black Panther & The Civil War!

Quite interesting posting over on MoviePilot that ought to be of interest to those of you keenly anticipating all those upcoming Marvel movies and, particularly, Captain America 3.

Captain America 3 makes some changes to Civil War.
Captain America 3 makes some changes to Civil War.
The Atlanta set of Captain America: Civil War was expected to be a heavily covered production but I don't think anyone was quite ready for the amount of photos and footage that emerged from there the past couple weeks. Images of Cap, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and Frank Grillo in a full Crossbones outfit have been spreading like a Hydra agent infestation over the internet. With most of the action having taken place on a set made up to look a lot like what could be the Black Panther's hometown of Wakanda, fans are already dissecting these photos and videos to read the tea leaves of Captain America 3.

Frank Grillo as Crossbones

The actual news that has emerged from the Wakanda set is that after the action moved on to a new location - Frank Grillo sent out an Instagram notice that he has wrapped his Crossbones duties on Captain America 3 and raised some eyebrows with the added text to the message of "I Am Done With This Marrage".

Intrigued? Read more here:,manual

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