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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 30 May 2015

Ultron Funk - Avengers Age of Ultron Song Parody

1 comment:

  1. Well, I admire you for your mastery of the technologies Terry, and glad to see you manage to sort out time for some fun. Will take a look at this now. Have you seen any of the Doctor Who parodies on YouTube, like the one with the Time Warp or the Benny Hill type scenario with the eight Doctors? - I think there were eight! So, I see that I must not repeat myself. OK: I gradually learn the rules. So is blogging, in reality, a fast track for the soul down the sinkhole of doom I ask myself? "Please relax, you are perfectly safe". and "I'm afraid, Dave, my mind is going, I can feel it. " spring to mind.
