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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 29 June 2015

Hey, You....


  1. Barba non facit philosophum.

  2. A beard DOES make the philosopher if it's ME!

  3. Sepp -are any of your comments appearing and the disappearing again or have they all appeared and stayed here?

    1. As far as I know, recently, they have stayed up, observed from my end. However, earlier on, for a while, I would post and the comments would disappear. I have commented on various things and was puzzled by non-response, especially if a comment was directed towards yourself, but I took that to mean, considering how much material you upload on a daily basis, that you didn't have the time. Shall we use this as a test to see if there is a two-way traffic? If you are willing and have the time, an agreed one word response as a test for a little while may answer the question. A sort of running testing, testing, so to speak.
