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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 10 July 2015

Ben Affleck To Direct Solo Batman Movie!

Yup. This one will have the comic cheese-burger nerds wretching up bile.  In fact, some already are.

 When it was announced Affleck was to play Batman his reaction was "Are you sure?" 

The fan reaction was (high-pitched screeching):  "NO NO NO NO NO!  He destroyed Daredevil!!! He's awful as Batman! He'll kill the character!!!"  Rather like those triple sized cheese-burgers and treble colas are killing them.

When did Daredevil get released -2003?  These people need to get off their fat arses and away from keyboards and get a life.  Affleck was not responsible for Daredevil "bombing" -I actually enjoyed it but it wasn't Affleck nor Garner who ruined it for me.

One fan boy wrote (VERY "effing" angrily): "Look what Affleck did to Pearl Harbor!!!"  To be fair, I think that was the Japanese....yeah. I know, but these fan boys.

Wait until the new movie is released to see how good or bad it is because screaming about it is just showing you up for a fool.

And, Affleck gets to write/direct a solo Batman movie.  True...unless Entertainment Weekly is lying to me!


Looks like Ben Affleck will be staying in Gotham for a little while. The Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice star is planning to direct and star in a standalone Batman movie, EW has confirmed.
The Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice actor will co-write the film with Geoff Johns, the acclaimed comics scribe and chief creative officer for DC Entertainment, sources confirm. The script would be set after the events of Dawn of Justice and the 2017 tentpole Justice League, which will unite DC’s slate of superheroes on the big screen.

Warner Bros. had no comment. The news was first reported by Deadline.

Affleck, of course, is taking over the cape and cowl from Christian Bale, who played the Dark Knight in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. The Oscar-winning actor-director is expected to begin shooting another directorial project in November — Live By Night, an adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s novel of the same name.
And Johns has helped usher in the success of Warner Bros. Television’s DC Comics-themed programming including The FlashArrowSmallville, and the much anticipated Supergirl.

Affleck is scheduled to take the stage Saturday during Warners’ San Diego Comic-Con panel presentation, along with Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder, Superman actor Henry Cavill, Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot, and fellow castmembers Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, and Holly Hunter.


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