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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 21 August 2015

A Story That Typifies Everything I've Written About

So, I was told by a Bristol Small Press event organiser that I'd get details of an October 2014 event.  I stocked up. Nothing. My emails got no response.

I contacted them via their Face Book page.

I was then told I'd be kept up to date when new events were planned -I even put together a flyer for one event that was announced.  Nothing.  I assumed that it must have been cancelled.

Six months or so later (a week or so back) I hear from the organiser that he found my messages "in the other folder" -messages sent via Face Book.  I'm stumped.  Turns out they have been holding bi-monthly events at a new venue all one mentioned this to me.

So, I ask, any events for October when I might shift some of the Black Tower horror/ghost books?  YES!


Can I book a table?

No. I need to send "them" an email and samples of my work.  I find "samples" a bit vague since we are talking books with work by various creators -does that rule me out?  Pages or pdf -I NEVER send a pdf of a complete book because I've seen how easily they then get snatched by people and offered as illegal downloads and since I do not know these people -no.

I sent them the online store link since via that you can preview books.

So, I'm guessing, since the organiser could not make the decision, that a committee will decide if my work and books are suitable for their small press event?

You can guess that I am NOT optimistic.

Am I so jaded that I think "pals and mates and no old farts"?  Sadly, I am.

As for Bristol events I can organise well, feck, it seems no one wants to discuss venue hiring and one date that was free suddenly was a 'mistake' on the venues part after I said "comics" -"Oh, no. That's taken up by another event.  It looks like there aren't any free weekends after that" ("after that" being the not really booked "booked event"?).

Okay, Europe, apologies in advance, but here comes Hooper!




所以,有人告诉我,由布里斯托尔小型新闻发布会的组织者,我会得到一个2014年10月事件的详细信息。我库存了。什么也没有。我的电子邮件没有得到回应。 我通过自己的脸书页面联系他们。 当时我说我会不断更新的时候进行了计划中的新事件-I甚至放在一起传单为宣布一个事件。什么也没有。我认为它已经被取消了。 半年多后(一个星期左右后)我听到的组织者,他“在其他文件夹”-messages通过脸书发找到了我的消息。我难倒。原来他们一直在全年保持每两月举办的活动在一个新的场地....没有人提到这个给我。 所以,我要问,十月份的任何事件时,我可能会转移一些黑塔的恐怖/鬼书? YES!Whoooooo-peeeee! 我可以预订一张桌子? 号 我需要发送“他们”我的工作的电子邮件和样品。我觉得“样本”有点含糊,因为我们正在谈论书籍的各种创作者-does是排除我出去工作?网页或PDF -I 从未送一本完整的书PDF文件,因为我已经看到了如何轻松,他们后来就被人抢走,并提供非法下载和因为我不知道这些人-不, 我给他们的网上商店的链接,因为通过您可以预览的书。 所以,我猜,因为主办方不能做出决定,一个委员会将决定是否我的作品和书籍,适合自己的小记者活动吗? 你可以猜测,我并不乐观。 我如此厌倦,我认为“好朋友和队友,也没有老屁”?可悲的是,我 对于布里斯托尔的事件,我可以组织好,feck,似乎没有人愿意讨论会场招聘,那是免费的突然被对场馆部分'错误'我说:“漫画”后一个日期- “哦,没有。这是采取由另外一个事件,它看起来像有没有什么免费的周末之后“(”说:“是的没有真正预订的”预订活动“?后)。 好吧,欧洲,道歉提前,但在这里来自胡珀!

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