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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 13 September 2015

When I Write And Say It I Am NOT Kidding

In the past I have explained to people that every panel, every page I draw is painful. I think people have this idea I'm kidding.

My thumbs are becoming 50-50 usable and my wrists/hands and fingers...let me show you....

See? I've not stopped writing posts because I'm pissed off people do not buy my books (its a theory I read) -you write that you DO NOT know me.

I wish I could stick two fingers up to my, uh, 'friends' in the comic community here in the UK. I can still kick.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck and take care of those extremities, but please let me know if, any time, I can help. We old codgers, despite distance, must stick together when we can.
