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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 24 October 2015

Murphy Anderson 1926-2015

Very sad news.  Anderson was another of the greats of American comics.

Artist Murphy Anderson has passed away at age 89, multiple sources including DC Comics have confirmed. Anderson is best known for his vast work at DC in the '50s, '60s and '70s, including co-creating characters such as Zatanna and the Atomic Knight.

Known for his work as both a penciler and an inker, Anderson's career dates back to the 1940s, on pulp comics published by Fiction House like "Rangers Comics" and "Planet Comics." In the early 1950s, he debuted at DC Comics and became a regular illustrator of sci-fi series "Strange Adventures," drawing Captain Comet and the Atomic Knights....

You can read more at Comic Book Resources:

Tempus fugit 


  1. When I first started buying DC Comics in the sixties, it seemed as if every second comic was either inked or pencilled by Murphy Anderson, or Irv Novick or Dick Giordano.

  2. One of the few SHOWCASE PRESENTS in my comic collection is THE GREAT DISASTER which - unlike most other volumes - does not collect one series but all stories from series that were part of the Great Atomic Disaster of 1986 ( how time flies ) like WEIRD WAR TALES, THE HOUSE OF SECRETS, THE UNEXPECTED, SUPERMAN and HERCULES UNBOUND but the best part is of course THE ATOMIC KNIGHTS stories from STRANGE ADVENTURES by John Broome and Murphy Anderson.

    He did a lot of work on DC´s Silve Age books and he´s a big part of Twomorrow´s SILVER AGE SCI FI COMPANION. Which is actually the DC SILVER AGE SCI FI COMPANION since it only talks about DC´s science fiction comics.

  3. Argh, of course, I only have Strange Adventures #229 and that's with Murphy Anderson. I tried, ages ago, to find a collected book, didn't succeed in finding any that weren't incredibly pricey.
