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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Now Call Me A Miserable ***** But.....

I wasn't good enough for a table at last weekends zine event in Bristol.  Apart from Mr Brown I have to say I was not made very welcome either.  And so the last thing I expected was for someone -whom I did not see take a photograph nor ask if I/we minded- to surreptitiously take a photograph while I was having a private conversation -as is obvious if you look at this.

The photo is obviously focussed on the two of us and I'm not aware of anyone asking "do you mind if-?"  As part of a crowd at an event okay but I just take this as an intrusion -especially as it is, I am told (I've not visited the unnamed Face Book page) on the event's FB page.  The organisers know me.  They know Mr Brown.  They couldn't check first with their "right on" attitude?

It is common courtesy to ask if you can take a photo of someone -and I DO NOT want people thinking I support this event.  Maybe I ought to find out who the photographer is, follow them and take photographs of him/her?

Sorry, just totally fecked off at the current crop of Small Pressers and hangers on.  You want to take a photo of me -ASK.

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