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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Spirou and Fantasio 9: The Dictator and the Mushroom

Author: Franquin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: July 2015

ISBN: 9781849182676
Price: £8.99 inc. VAT

After the Marsupilami causes a series of disasters, Spirou and Fantasio finally resolve to bring the strange animal back to its birth place, Palombia.

Unfortunately, it’s a nation in turmoil they find upon their arrival.

The military is all-powerful, rumours of impending war are growing and a ruthless tyrant has seized power. To counter the dictator’s plans, the two adventurers’ only weapon is the Count of Champignac’s latest outrageous invention: a mushroom extract that makes metals go soft…

Marsupilami...he's there on the cover.  See him?  No idea what I'm talking about?  You really do need to check this out: I knew more about the character 20+ years ago than I do today.  The joke being...well, that I've learnt nothing new!!
Marsupilami 1.jpg
Anyway, this series is one I go hot then cold over.  I have absolutely no idea. I read through it yesterday and smiled.  Today I looked through it again and...well, Marsupilami cheered my eyes up. I could make up all sorts of jokes about mushrooms but let's not go there.  After the, uh, 1987 "unpleasantness" and deaths best not to.

It might just be seeing two jack-booted characters on the cover with a couple others "heiling" each other is digging at my sensibilities.  Don't get me wrong: the colour and printing is gorgeous and the artwork is as good as it can get.  It is just me.  Hopefully, one day, my Great Nephews will appreciate their donated library of European comics in English.

See? Just looked through it again and really like it.  It's age or else I'm "going through the change"! But this book -series- can be enjoyed by kids "of all ages" and perhaps a few oldies suffering ennui!  Parents -you should be buying these for your kids!


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