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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 November 2015

I'm Only Tryin' T'school ya!

I was asked on a Yahoo group about "moral support" from all the creators I've helped over the last few decades.  John mentioned The Hooper Interviews and all the creators from that book, comics and so on "You must get morall support from some of them?"

No. Yes, I helped more than a few get into comics and some have successful careers now.  Others I listened to when they were down or tried to help when they were in a bad place.  But you have to remember that being nice does nothing.  Out of all those 'friends' (I no longer count them as that) on my Face Book page how many do you think have commented on a single posting I have made?  Zero.  Two have told me that they are so busy that they "turn off any feeds unless its from friends" -why, thank you.

Many are just very scared of getting on the wrong side of those "Nice guys of comics" who are venomous little back-stabbers.  They sit or stand there and read and hear the stuff said and some times tell me but did one of them say "Hang on a minute-" and challenge what was said?  No.  That is just a very nasty character trait in itself.  And when you push and support these venomous swine because "I don't want any trouble" then you are twisting the knife.

So, no, John.  No support and it is why I very rarely give creators my support these days.  Roll on 2016!

And now a song to try to school ya!

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