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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 November 2015

There Have Been Some Emails.....

Now, okay, I don't get many emails other than so-and-so wants this or that promoted.  Being the most influential person in comics to have ever lived, you learn to accept this.

Anyhow, the emails have been about CBOs future in 2016. Quite strong and persuasive arguments actually.  So, I am thinking that CBO will need some kind of new look or approach but it has to be mainly about what I like and for fun.

So stay tuned.


  1. That is very heartening. I shall now bend to the conformities of the internet and attempt a smiley ;-) and a wink for good measure. Oh, maybe that was creepy, I am fifty three after all . . . was that creepy? Very seriously, good.

  2. Just noticed, amongst my rambles on the internet, that 'colour your own' books, especially stress management for adults have quite a following. just wondering if there was one for superheroes? Of course the one thing to steer clear of would be you know who's superheroes. Just remembering that one of myself and Bib's Braque covers turned up in a children's colouring book many years back. Imitation, my friends say, is after all the sincerest form of flattery!

  3. Those things are in book shops, Sainsbury's -everywhere. Its become another little craze "Colouring books ain't for kids any more!" Poop them.

  4. I´m glad that you are thinking about keeping CBO going. You have just put too much work into it to just let it die.

    As for writing more about the things you like and for fun - hey, that´s how I have been writing my blog since the beginning and so far - no one has found out. Just duck and stay under the radar, friend.

  5. I think a wee revamp of your blog focussing (of course) on what you like would be a good move and would be more likely to encourage participation from visitors rather than constantly trying to help others promote their stuff with (what seems to be) no appreciation from them.

    I was in Waterstones books in Glasgow yesterday and noticed the comic book / graphic novel section had a lot ( an awful lot) of indy comics (sorry if I mentioned this before Im old I forget things) but is that not a possible outlet for some of your books.
