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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 22 December 2015

A Grope...Take It As A Compliment..?

From Take It As a Compliment by Maria Stoian

Read More: The House That Silence Built: Harassment in the Comics Industry |
From Take It As a Compliment by Maria Stoian

Read More: The House That Silence Built: Harassment in the Comics Industry |
 From Take It As A Compliment by Maria Stolan

My thanks to Linda Medley for bringing this item to my attention.  I've encountered the drunks and bullies in UK comics but they got short-shrift.

What is reported in this item is serious.  Groping and worse counts as a sexual assault but "super cool" companies like Dark Horse do nothing to punish those responsible.

I was just half way through a lengthy post about the history of Dark Horse and how they have evolved (not a clean image when it comes to dealing with stores let alone distributors (who ain't that clean themselves) but, no.  I've scrapped that post.  Dark Horse deserves no positive publicity while their editors continue to go unpunished. 

Spread the word, please.

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