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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 6 December 2015

Red Baron 3 - Dungeons and Dragons

Authors: Pierre Veys & Carlos Puerta
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: September 2015

ISBN: 9781849182522
Price: £8.99 inc. VAT

Manfred Von Richthofen is now flying over Russia, where his missions escorting heavy bombers or strafing ground troops are doing considerable damage. So much so that he’s eventually offered the opportunity to transfer to the Western Front and pit himself against the best British fighters. But a nasty surprise is waiting for him: among his new colleagues is his old enemy Prince Friedrich. The foe in the air may not be the most dangerous one…

Now well into World War One, this book cannot be faulted art-wise.  Look at those pages below -almost like they are taken from a landscape work.  The scenes, from the quiet and restive to ground and air action are so good that I actually said to myself, out loud, "why is Carlos Puerta drawing comics?!"  Yes, very snobby I know but it wasn't meant to be taken that way.  As an artist you take the work that pays you -if you want to eat!  And Puerta does superb work here but I bet, somewhere, he has a lot of paintings and I hope people get to appreciate those.

And, yes, this is a fiction based on the life of Richthofen and I "mustn't get too picky about it" -so I don't.  Story is interesting and if this series does win some award for art (obviously not outside Europe) then we have to give up.

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