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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 December 2015


Writer: Terry Hooper-Scharf
Artist: Gavin S. Ross
84 Pages
Black & white
Price: £8.00 £6.00
To many he was simply a stage magician. Others knew the truth –such as Scotland Yard and the very secret Q Bureau. 
From a seemingly cursed jade statue bringing gruesome and violent death to those who found it years before to a plot by a Chinese supremacist group hoping to strike and bring terror and destruction to the heart of the British Empire and seemingly unstoppable Tong assassins and an evil warlord willing to betray and murder even his own allies–this is Chung Ling Soo's world. 
Sergeant Wilberforce of Scotland Yard was the closest thing to a friend the Magician had yet even he was perpetually stumped by him...and his deaths! 
Collecting together Chung Ling Soo And The Curse Of The Jade Dragon And Chung Ling Soo The Case Of The Thames Serpent By Terry Hooper-Scarf and Gavin Stuart Ross in which the deception begins but just what is deception and what truth??



  1. I´m reading this right now. So according to some videos on YouTube this was a real person ? Weird.

  2. Yes. REAL. I was working on a piece about Chung Ling Soo years ago and got this sample strip in the post by Gavin Ross that featured -Chung Ling Soo. The rest is history. He's a fan and I'm a fan but this is comics so WAS CLS a stage name or did an American actor get hired to play him? Never trust anything you read in CLS its why I use the term "Let the deception begin!"
