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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 December 2015

The Collected Ben R. Dilworth:

 Ben R. Dilworth
Illustrated prose/Haiku
84 pages
Price: £10.00 
Collecting together the best selling illustrated prose of Ben R. Dilworth. 
In Osaka Brutal, the Haiku Gold Belt holder presents his own personal Haiku beating the ear drums like a Taiko ensemble!
In Aesop's Fables the childhood favourites become rather darker and threatening. Originally intended for his own daughter, Dilworth had second thoughts because of the darker stories. You never heard these fables at Sunday School!
In Western Yokai and Japanese Yokai, Dilworth looks at a mixture of strange, sinister and deadly demons and spirits both friendly, hostile and indifferent -each story is illustrated by Dilworth and, boy, are there some eye-poppers!

The Yokai books are amongst my favourites and I still think are full of material for ghost/horror comics -it's a pity the Japanese are such isolationists with comics ("It ain't Manga it ain't worth a kuso!") but what can you do about it?

With Osaka Brutal -one read and I was making up what I like to call "Bristol Haiku" (about 99% of it unprintable)..

And can you go wrong with a dark version of Aesop's Fables? Scare the crap out of the little 'uns!

He may well be a recognised comic book genius but Ben, R. Dilworth has a softer (yeah, right) prose side.

Money from every sale goes towards the Ben R. Dilworth anti-hay fever treatment fund. A worthy cause.

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