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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 14 January 2016

William Tell star Conrad Phillips dies

Conrad Phillips in William Tell, the tale of a Swiss hero taking on his Austrian overlords. He proved his marksmanship by shooting an arrow into an apple placed on his son’s head.

An actor who made his name in the TV series The Adventures of William Tell has died after a short illness.

Conrad Phillips, 90, who lived in Chippenham, Wiltshire, was the star of the ITV action adventure series first broadcast in 1958.

Born Conrad Havord in London in 1925, he appeared on the West End stage and other TV roles included parts in Fawlty Towers, The Avengers and The Prisoner.
He published his autobiography, Aiming True, only three years ago.

An accident on the set of William Tell meant he injured his knee and ankle and had to film the final episode from a wheelchair.
He went on to play play Stefan, William Tell's mentor, in a 1987 update of the Swiss folk tale.
Mr Phillips, who was married with two daughters, died at home.

Tempus fugit

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