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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 20 February 2016

And So They Are Brushed Away Like Dust On An Old Shelf

When people I have known since the 1980s and are supposed to be "friends" and who I have helped out in the past do not read anything I post on Face Book. meh.  When they do not read anything I post on CBO -meh.

They ignore me because they are now influenced by the local comic bully boys (seriously, at their age!) -meh.

When they then send me badly put together press releases that I would need to do work on (again) to make them publishable about THEIR comic convention. Fuck 'em.

You see, showing me absolutely no respect and ignoring and even slating books I've published and they've never even read because they do not have the balls to say "go away" or stand up to comic bully boys (you know, those "comics nice guys"!) then that one way road of me doing everything to help and promote while they do....nothing has gotten narrower and is NOW permanently blocked by a ten feet thick (that's 3 m) wall.

There are no freebies on CBO now. British comics and its events and, uh, 'personalities' had 16 years of free cake.

They can all go off and argue with each other and bitch and even call me names. They are dead to me.

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