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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Cinebook: Buck Danny 6: Mystery In Antarctica


Authors: Francis Bergèse
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages:  56 colour pages

ISBN: 9781849182874
Price: £7.99 inc. VAT
Publication: January 2016

When a flight of unidentified fighters is photographed off the Antarctic continent, where no military presence is authorised, the carrier Harry Truman is sent to investigate. After a few reconnaissance flights, Buck and his friends locate a lifeless body on a drifting iceberg, as well as a suspicious cargo ship. Alongside the pilots of the French Navy, Colonel Danny will have to solve that mystery in the land of eternal ice.

Not really keen on that face!  That said, the usual high quality art and story -verging almost on Ice Station Zebra territory!  Basically, the quality you've all come to expect!

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