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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Regarding Personal Interviews

Please understand that I have stated I no longer consider myself involved in the UK comics 'scene'.  I have had three requests for me to take part in interviews but I have never liked interviews.  I do not think I really need another long interview.

Firstly, I will have no say in how any interview, including my responses would be cut. No.  Secondly, I appreciate the offer but 24 questions requiring some lengthy responses is too time consuming considering there is no publication or web site that has arranged to publish it.

I have done two long interviews as well as a couple of printed interviews since the 1990s. On most of my sites you will find the interview by Phil Latter with me which is lengthy.  The QRD interview was recently posted on CBO.

I do not have the ego to want to do countless interviews. All you require is in the above interviews.

I will, however, gladly take part in interviews which are aimed to a non-UK audience whether in Europe, the United States or beyond!  Just ask. Sadly, the QRD interview seems to have created no reaction -but that's comics!

Again, it's not being snooty.  If I start jumping into interviews where I do not have a guaranteed final say in what is published I am certainly not interested. Also, I would be a hypocrite since I would be backing out of everything I have written and said in the last year.

If you can't find but need the interview links just let me know.

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