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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 20 July 2016

THE Most Viewed Post Ever On CBO Just Hit OVER 14,000 Views -Which Was It?

What is the all time most viewed post on CBO?

It was posted here, from the old WordPress CBO, on 2nd February, 2011 and to date the total number of views stand at: 14,864

There was an up-dated item looking at Mr Gordon's Chang3lings dolls and action figures business as well as his incredible graphic novel Cosmic Oddity here:

But I think the total views for the interview is a kick in the eye to those who were his detractors. Talent wins out.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's right. Talent wins out. David Gordon deserves his attention and I hope he gets some sales out of it. A talented guy.
    On my own front, not so good news, the Bank said No to a credit card. I'm going in for round two on Monday. I feel like I'm living in 'the Crucible.'
    Catch you later. Good to see the numbers 'bumped.'
