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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 22 August 2016

"You Must Be Out Of Your Brilliant Mind"...or so Furniture Tells Me

"I'm at the stage where I want my work to be known."

Two bonus points if you got the 1980s music reference there.

I've been doing some editing on From Behind Time and Space.  I could have been posting here but the book has more potential to earn me money so....

Nothing to restore sanity more than looking at alleged alien abductions and the people supposedly 'investigating' the cases.  But that ain't comics.

Also been working on more TV proposals and trying to track down the truth about alleged poltergeist activity in a house "up North" as we say in the UK.

Then we have the legal matters I'm dealing with.  Yes, time to get "heavy" with people.

I was looking at "Which countries" were viewing CBO right now (17:25hrs BST):

United Kingdom
United States
United Arab Emirates

Which all proves my point from that last posting:   Botswana- Hello who ever you are!  And a peak in views from Greece. It changes every few minutes and I had a thought that it might be fun to check which country is viewing now every 10 minutes for a day.  That would seriously help people with insomnia sleep.  Also, I doubt that I could take it!

I was asked by someone on one of my Yahoo groups -someone pops up on one of them occasionally- to do a critique on Alan Moore. No. I have absolutely no interest in Moore, nor what he is doing now. The man gets You Tube videos and TV slots as well as magazine and news items about his greatness regularly then humbly accepts he is THE greatest writer ever in existence but gets no recognition. Hey -you got your critique, Nick!

So all quiet and normal here.  That is when you know "something" is about to happen.....

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