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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 7 October 2016

Cinebook The 9th Art -Damocles 3:Perfect Child

I had to scratch my head and check my shelves and CBO posts because I knew I had seen a series titled Damocles but could not remember anything about it.  It turns out volume 1 was published in May 2015 and the second volume in July of 2015.

Wow. That's some gap.  However, translating and then going through the printing process takes time so I am guessing it might be that.  But if I forget a book....

Authors: Callède & Henriet
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: August 2016
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT     ISBN: 9781849182799

Perfect Child is a company specialised in medically assisted procreation – for extremely wealthy customers. An activity that isn’t to everyone’s taste, and the CEO, Ava Troy, has received many threats. Enter Ellie Braxton, assigned as Ava’s bodyguard. Unfortunately, Ellie isn’t doing too well. Her teammate and mentor, Walt, is still in a coma, and she’s having many doubts about her life choices. But can she really afford such a luxury…
I had to check as I thought the art was different from before. It isn't. Same team right down to colourist. The story is a good one and as always there are twists and turns and one heck of a cliff hanger ending!  Usagi's colouring works well with the art style -I'm going to have to look for 1 and 2 for a re-read.

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