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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 22 May 2017

The Green Skies Update

John wanted to know (everyone knows they CAN comment on CBO, right?) so here we go.

Obviously with the need to get money to eat and the current legal battle (two actually) I have not had much chance to do more work on the book other than the 60 lettered pages I think I mentioned before. I have, however, gone over the pages and noted that two characters are missing -these are characters who were to be part of the Black Tower next generation of heroes.  So they will need to be included or I will never forgive myself!  :-)

A three page section has been expanded to seven pages and may be used in Black Tower Super Heroes 8 -the last issue of that run. But the main space battle will take some time to finish.  I have never claimed (despite what some idiots say) to be the greatest comic artist on Earth, but I want this to look good. Alien craft by the hundreds....but whether they are near Earth to save or destroy it.....?

Whatever happens I want this book finished and out before Christmas.  Which means my two proof readers will need to see it first!

So The Green Skies is neither shelved nor forgotten and I want to get this six inches (15cms) stack of artwork off my table asap!!

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