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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 13 July 2017

2017 Clallam Bay Comicon Another Success

CLALLAM BAY - 12 July 2017. The Clallam Bay Comicon, July 8-9 on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula, had another successful year.

Guest Artist Diana Kennedy flew all the way from Vosges, France to attend. Her hand-animated film, "The Vosgian Beast," was presented to kick off the convention. Her work, including her new series "Riverboat," had pride of place at the front of the convention.

Attracting such artists and companies as Modest Medusa's Jake Richmond, and Emerald City Distribution, the tiny convention was a buzz of activity. Steampunk to minicomics, there was much to share and learn.

Richmond wound up the convention with an intense and very useful talk about making a living in comics. He included his experiences with Kickstarter, Patreon and Print-on-demand companies such as Createspace. Other industry professionals joined in to discuss the past and future of comics publishing.

Carla Speed McNeil, author and publisher of the much-loved sci-fi/fantasy comics series, "Finder," will be the Clallam Bay Comicon's 2018 guest.

If all goes well, the West End of the Peninsula may have more than one comicon in 2018. Watch for developments.

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