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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Update: Galoob Phantom and Defenders of the Earth ~Fun Things From My Collection

From the Toys Action Figures And Comics  page.

Galoob released the Defenders of the Earth figures (5") and accessories sets in 1986 to coincide with the animated TV series.

Loved the Flash Gordon serials and Mandrake and the Phantom were two of my comic favourites ~again Alan Class and his Class Comics reprinted stories in b&w though I later (1960s) got a Kings Features Phantom comic which lost its cover over 40 plus years. BUT it was Charlton Comics that got me hooked on the character in a big way.

Sadly, a lot were stolen so I only have a few left but I have German Bastei reprints of Phantom and one issue of Wolf Comics (UK) who reprinted the Finnish Phantom comics.

For me, it was Tarzan ~more to come on that~ Mandrake, Phantom and Flash Gordon. So when a cheap (about £6) Phantom popped up on Ebay I grabbed it. Unboxed no ill fitting gun or cotton string whip but the turn mechanism to make the fists punch is okay.

Here is the 1986 packet and shots of MY Phantom ~arms and legs still stiff and poseable and head turns ~natch!

I mentioned Mandrake and Garax ~the latter I have no memory of!!!

But new cape, make a cane and touch up the paint and Mandrake will look good as new...

Flash  Gordon and the Emperor Ming??

When it comes to buying the vehicles and accessories..BIG money. So I am ruled out. Let's not forget Lothar!
The Phantom got his photo shoot so now the others need one...proper photos later.Made Mandrake a cape and cane as they were missing.

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