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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Comic Con Asia 2018

  • March 24 – March 25
    Mar 24 at 10 PM to Mar 25 at 9 PM UTC+08

    SMX Convention Center Manila
    Seashell Lane, Mall of Asia Complex, 1300 Pasay City, Philippines
  • Comic Con Asia was created as an event to showcase Filipino, and Asian, talent, and apart from international and regional celebrity guests, there will be plenty of industry panels. It is not just a meet-and-greet with famous actors and actresses, it is also a proper industry con where one can learn from the people behind the scenes: the artists, creators, and producers. 

  • More special events will be held In the meeting rooms upstairs—industry talks, panel discussions, and workshops with experts: One-Shot is a chance to present ideas to the biggest names in the industry. Attendees can hope to get projects produced, get job offers, or just show their portfolio of work. Auction Hero is where collectors can bid on some of the more serious collectibles available: limited edition items, rare finds, and exclusive signed merchandise. The Great Filipino Graphic Novel contest will have veteran comic artists review original work in order to produce a truly Filipino work of comic art. The Trading Guild is where one collector’s junk becomes another collector’s treasure, where they can swap unwanted items to finally complete their collections.

    The main floor will be divided into four zones: Manga & Anime, Comics, Toys & Gaming, and Movies, Series, & Animation—four quadrants of vendors, sellers, galleries, and artists. The main stage will be set up right in the center, so people won’t miss a thing while they explore the many different booths and alleys. Around the main stage will be a ring of booths called the Cosplay Circle, with backdrops and other cosplay-related merchandise. Cosplay Match- Up, a cosplay competition that evens the playing field for international, Filipino, gaming, and anime cosplayers, will be held throughout the two-day event

    For more information about the event stay tuned at

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