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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 5 May 2018

It's Free Comic Book Day -Grab! Grab! Grab!

For many years companies like Marvel and DC tried to make people think THEY were giving away the books. The internet and a few store owners not willing to let the corporations take full credit for that saw the truth come out eventually (But who gives a f***? "Gimme the free comics!"

"Buy SOMEthing. The comics shops still have to pay for the "free" FCBD books they stock, and they're counting on the increased foot traffic to lift sales, so be a human being. And buy something."

Yeah, that never really works. I used to hear the people talk about grabbing what they could to sell on Ebay. THOSE are today's comic buyers!

Only the major stores get a chance to make money out of the day because they have lower overheads and most get a good deal -especially the chain stores.

Pity they don't have an International Support Independent Publishers Day.

And just so you know, these are not Independent comic publishers because they have movie and film licencing deals and get the lion's share of the market and are worth far, far more than any real Independent:

Dark Horse -NOT an Independent

Image Comics -NOT an Independent

IDW -NOT an Independent

They are about as independent as DC or Marvel.

But who give a feck, heh?

Anyway -read this

and, if there are not too many words:

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