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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 3 November 2011

Unisarjakuvia (Sleep Comic)

Pekka A. Manninen
Publisher: Lempo Kustannus
US graphic novel size
black and white
ISBN 978-952-5938-08-1
Euros 13.-

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It is always a pleasure to get a new book from Pekka  (creator of Igor Motor and, of course, Kapteeni Kuolio/Captain Gangrene).  Yes, it is in Finnish but until someone has the brains to translate and publish in the English language that’s how it’s going to be!  I have never found the language barrier in good comics to be a problem and this is a good comic!

So what is it all about?  Pekka writes that it is “…stuff based on dreams from the early 80s onwards…with 37 new pages…Hannele took the photos for the front and back (cover). My scariest front cover ever, apparently…”

In fact, the cover photo is scary and if you’ve ever had a “waking dream” (hypnagogic hallucination) then you’ll know this has the right feel to it.

As for the interior pages…oh, man do I like this!  Cthulhu, human freaks, strange architecture -just plain weird. The art varies from the quick black ink type to Pekka’s cleaner line work and his highly worked stipling and shaded style.

The one thing I found while going through this book was that I was thinking and trying to gauge what each strip was about -interpreting Pekka’s dreams so it made sense to me. Hey, if a book can make you use your imagination then it is not bad.

Throw out your blinkered preconceptions that if it’s in a foreign language it’s pointless to buy a copy.  Great art.  And here are a few pages just to show you!

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