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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 5 July 2012

Cosmic Hobo -The Scarifyers

The Scarifyers: The Comic Book no.1
Publisher Cosmic Hobo
Written by Simon Barnard
Illustrated by Simon Gurr
Cover by Garen Ewing
US format
Black & white

Christmas, 1936
Ghost story writer Professor Dunning doesn’t believe in the supernatural. So he’s more than surprised when an invisible demon appears in his living room.

The Metropolitan Police’s oldest-serving officer, Inspector Lionheart doesn’t believe in the supernatural either, wings or no wings. So he’s less than impressed when Russian émigré’s begin dying impossible deaths all over London.

Together, Lionheart and Dunning must face quarrelsome Generals, sinister clowns and Russian demons, in the first adventure for THE SCARIFYERS.

The brand new comic based on the audio series. Written by series creator Simon Barnard, illustrated in crisp black and white by 2000AD artist Simon Gurr, and wrapped in a handsome cover from ligne claire legend Garen Ewing.

Not heard of this radio show though, considering I’m always listening to German internet radio not surprising.  Worst thing is that it sounds like something I’d enjoy! Simon Gurr sounds it! He drew Darwin: A Graphic Biography that I reviewed in…2009?

I like the art and there are characters who remind me of certain showbiz folk -the police chief at the start of the story looks like the late, great Harry Secombe…and Dunning has the look, but not the height, of Ronnie Corbett about him!

The story is fun and and dare I sayLionheart and Dunning could well be the UKs “edgier” counterparts of Blake & Mortimer.  From the opening chase in the snow to P.C. Jenkins sticking his pencil up his nose to the visit to the circus this oozes Britishness and I can only recommend this Highly -and at £2.99 it is a real steal because production is top quality and if you visit the website you’ll find more detail.

As so much is packed into this book and there is a cliff-hanger ending, I am keeping my fingers crossed that there will be an issue 2 (PLEASE!).

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