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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 7 September 2012

Casterman: Toubab or not Toubab

Mathias Mercier
Adapted from the novel by Jean-Claude Derey
Soft Cover
Full Colour
100 pages
Dimensions: cm 18.6 x 26 x1.5
ISBN: 220304165X
EAN: 9782203041653
Price: € 18.00
Date of publication: 12/09/2012

Twelve year old orphan, Hondo, living in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, is forced to take part in the activities of a blood-thirsty gang of criminals –it’s take part or be killed but in an attempt to escape the gang he surrenders to the police. Things do not work out well for Hondo who finds himself imprisoned. Along with Boubakar, a child soldier nicknamed Colonel Jackson, who helped the guerrillas in Sierra Leone,  Hondo manages to escape.

But things are tough on the streets without any protection and Hondo has to deal with all the challenges and the Toubabs (who have some colonial blood in them). Beatings, attempted rape by a man who gives him shelter and it is no wonder he ends up behind bars again.

It’s a pretty grim story which you do not even need to read to understand –the sequential art does all the story-telling.

Now this is the type of thing Paul Ashley Brown should be publishing or working on.

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