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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Dr Who. The First. Where It All Started.

Three parts I believe. Dr Who, the original William Hartnell, in the story that started it all -An Unearthly Child.

Especially for Subzero!


  1. Yeah, I remember this one. I was a bit surprised how bossy the Doctor was. I think the last ones with William Hartnell I watched were from THE WEB PLANET.

  2. oh there is an episode where they have an injured person with them holding them back and Hartnell picks up a rock to, uh, "euthenase" him but is stopped. But if you have never seen the 1948(?) film Brighton Rock....Richard Attenborough is a wannabe gangster and Hartnell his "razor man". In one scene Hartnell slashes a man and when the man falls to the floor kicks him before spitting on him. Scary. A real character actor!
