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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 20 September 2013

Groove Tube Memories Sketchbook -A MUST Pop Culture Buy!!

From David Gordon and MyExcess!

I think that all of those visiting CBO and checking out the David "the British Manara" Gordon interview will know that he draws comics.

He draws pin-ups and has even published a book so others can learn how to draw pin up women.

He's had a go at writing a childrens story.

He and his partner Lesley are also behind the phenomenal Chang3ling doll range which now include a Danny Trejo and--no, that's telling!  Oh, and the Chang3ling comic, of course.

However, David has been wowing people with his TV/film pop culture sketches and now they are in a book -Groove Tube Memories Sketchbook. The sketches are sectioned into the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and "everything else".  The book will be A4 size - and 8x11.75 ins/29.5 x 22cms-  and top out at 100 pages for a really cheap cover price of £9.99

This is an incredible book and if you are into film, TV or pop culture then you really WILL need to get a copy of this book. I have no doubt that this one will be a good seller.

As soon as David announces the ordering details -I believe copies will be on sale at the upcoming Edinburgh show-  I'll post them.

Now, a few sneak peeks!
 Farscape anyone...? Gigi Edgley.

Dr Bruce Banner....or The Magician...the late great Bill Bixby!

Who else but Spike Milligan and Eric Sykes!

I heard he wuz dead....Snake Pliskin that is -not Kurt Russel!!
In her hey-day -Valerie Harper.
Anyone could go for an Anne Margaret!
American "beef cake" Doug McClure.

From being one of the Railway Children to going on the run with Logan and now one of S.H.I.E.L.D.s shadow council...Jenny Agutter!

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