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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 6 September 2013

X-Men Battle of...the....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Okay, I get that Marvel are trying to move more into Sci Fi but watch this B3 Comics guide and you'll see how messy things are getting.

But above all else when are comic buyers going to use their brains and realise they are being screwed for every penny by all the tie-ins (something Marvel and DC comics promised never to do again some years back. However, I think they both died and got rebooted so none of that matters now).

Now DC with all the one off Evil Pays (or whatever its called) covers in 3D. Yes, they look cool but.....

And people still lap this up.

Incidentally, by 10 m 17 secs into this video I just said "who the **** cares?!!"

Sorry, B3Comics guys (link to right on blog links) it IS informative but...I just don't care.

After almost five decades of being a Marvel fan it's just all gone dead for me.

Marvel and DC don’t care. The greed is what matters.  Didio and Quesada will just keep smiling while playing with themselves and a bundle of pay cheques.

It’s very depressing.

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