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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 6 February 2015

May I Have Your Attention, Please....Thank You.

Please remember to check out CBOs blog list.  You'll find it has a spicy variety to it.

Wargaming as well as how to build terrain etc for war-gaming and RPG.

 Kid Rs Crivens! blog and Germany's ultimate blogging super hero Subzero at Tales From the Kryptonian.

There's British Golden Age blogs, a blog on strange phenomena and blogs looking at Golden Age comics and much more.

It's worth a few minutes.



  1. I know ! I love Four Colour Shadows and Yesterday's Papers. Anomalous Obs. Phen. also gets my attention.... and so it should ! Anyway, just having lunch ! Enjoy your vegetarian food !

  2. Well, the blogs gety views Brit Golden Age has had 9,253, AOP Blog 22,492, UK Golden Age 384, Maakika 854 and the much ignored Terry Hooper & Black Tower Comics and Books -10,381 and Google+ 1,149,447 views and, of course, that odd blog CBO 1801547. So people DO stop by my blog (I have no idea how many in total that is because I'm not kidding, it really is "just numbers" to me) and I have to ask WHY I have sold one book to someone in Italy (Pursuing the Strange blah blah)? Need to update the Terry Hooper BTC&B blog. WHY do I bother?? Quorn ham sandwiches, apple and something I can't remember for tea. My stomach needs to settle. Go suck a squid for lunch......uh....Squiddly Diddly told me to say that (sorry, 1980s letter writing flashback)

  3. Thanks for the plug, Terry. Just think, if you got a penny for every hit, you'd have a small fortune.
