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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 17 May 2015

It's Like Russian Roullette But With Absolutely No Physical not really like it then.

I've been playing a little game with myself -please, we're adults here!  What I did was write on a piece of paper which countries would provide the most views at 14:00 hrs, 18:00 hrs and 23:00 hrs.  I also wrote down on a list the unlikeliest to provide views at those times.

Now, this was done all scientifically by looking at time zones and countries with strong interests in comics and comic media.

Both lists were wrong with one exception on the first list -the United States which is always at the number 1 position since we lost China....well, I know where China is on a map and can even draw its rough geographical shape so I don't mean that kind of lost.

Let's assume you know what I mean.

Even going by previous days/weeks and countries that produced views I got a few surprises.  So the views covering 23:00-23:15 hrs are:

United States
United Kingdom

I guess I'm going to have to look up Bulgarian comics for a future post! 

It's actually an interesting game but too distracting!  These are the top ten posts being looked at by these viewers -the date following the post title is when it was originally posted:

12 Dec 2013

5 Mar 2014

Now Titan Books The Secret Service -Kinsman has remained in the top ten since first posting and has been the top viewed post over many weeks -possibly because of the movie. I'm glad to see Kat Nicholson's Kickstarter posting is in the top ten and, as always, Cinebook The 9th Art have a title present.

Other than those posts and 您好!the rest are surprising.  However, have had to analyse statistics and trends in the past I must say that if one thing is certain it is this: with the exceptions noted, which post will appear in the list next is never ever predictable.

CBO is Chaos Theory in practice!  And as I type that a moth flutters past my face.  Chaos Theory and the "butterfly wing-flap effect"?  Who knows? Only The Shadow  BWAHAHAHAHAHAkoff koff

Really must stop doing that.

A fun little game but back to the drawing board.  New worlds to destroy--I mean, well, there is a Green Sky or it's these new meds?

Midnight.  Time to watch a DVD -after I finish off a page.  Oh bliss! 

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