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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Did You Just Hear A HUGE "Sigh"?

I ought to punish myself but Ebay sellers do it for me.

So, I ordered three comics off an Ebay seller (I know!). I had thought the issue of the weekly Fantastic comic had a multi-coloured logo. They used to do that.

All comics described as in good condition.

I get the comics and the issue of Fantastic has a logo coloured in using pens -image was small on Ebay and never offered larger view).

Well, the books only cost £1.99 and it was the Buster comic I wanted as it has memories for me. I start reading through it and....asked for a refund see if this one ignores me, too.


  1. omg! "Good" condition w/bits cut out?! That's terrible!! o.O - I hope they refund you!!

  2. Nah. Dealer's attitude is "I loosely described" the condition. Ebay....make it impossible to contact them about anything but exact problems they list. :-(
