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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 8 June 2015

Mighty Crusaders Action Figures -Why Am I Being Asked?

This may be a conspiracy.

I have no idea.

I got an email from a comic shop owner in the UK about this today.  I have also, in the last month, had six other people ask the question.

 "ASK WHAT??!!" you are screaming.  Well, whether or not Archie Comics has any action figures of its Red Circle characters?

When I responded that I remember Remco produced eight figures in 1984 -not great quality at all: four heroes and four villains- I had it explained that they meant figures NOW!

well, no. I've checked, as these people could have -that includes Clive the shop oiwner- but nothing.

As a big Mighty Crusaders fan (of the 1960s and 1980s versions) I would have grabbed the 1980s figures but never seen them.  It is odd that Archie has not thought about the profitable action figure market.  Then, I'm not giving Archie ideas for free any more!

But if I ever hear there are action figures of the Mighty Crusaders coming out I'll let everyone know.
Now the serious bit. Yes, I have mentioned action figures and books from certain other companies butr to date not one of the promised review items has turned up and my reminders to them -silence.

Does not matter which company you are I do not run CBO as your PR freebie mouth-piece. So, you'll see no more news from the companies in question.

I really DO operate a three strikes policy.

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