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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 7 June 2015

Thank You

A collective "Thank You" for the birthday greetings yesterday!


  1. Agh. An apology ! I didn't realize it was your birthday yesterday. Happy belated b'day, Terry.! I'll raise a glass to you and put something (small ) in the post tomorrow. ( ooer )

  2. You just have to remember D-Day. My mother never forgave me for being born on that day: "Your birth will always remind us of the final cut to the throat of the Glorious Reich!" Actually, as her family were all Nazi fighters I'll offer up an apology -you can never be too sure!

    1. ( grumble, mumble ) Sorry, wha'sat? Oh! Heartfelt dear boy. Keep up the . . . um . . . yes, well, keep it up, keep it up, and don't worry about the . . um . . . well, whatever it is. What was it? However, sincerely, I hope you had a happy birthday.
