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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 23 October 2016


Yesterday -it says so in the post title- I wrote a lengthy piece about the fact that I seemed to be the focus of a lot of hatred amongst a certain group in UK comics.  Personally I never bother with them -shit on my boots is more worrying....or whether that falling leaf is going to kill me!

But I made a few points and then posted the item.

About 40 minutes later I unpublished it.  The reason?  I felt nothing about UK comic "personalities" and the UK industry is dead anyway. Even now I'm just numb to all of it.  Do not care.  These UK comics 'good guys' have achieved nothing in a couple decades.  As opposed to Small Pressers who are doing their own thing and enjoying themselves.

So if you were one of the many who thought "I'm sure there was a post---?" There was. There isn't.  It is all well beneath me.

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